Barry Herniman Fine Art

Welcome to my website

Barry Herniman Fine Art

Welcome to my website


About Me

I am a full time artist and have been painting landscapes and seascapes for many years both in the studio and ‘en plein air’ with my trusty sketchbooks. My favourite medium is watercolour, its immediacy and transparency is hard to beat and I never tire of watching the colours mix and mingle on the paper. There can be few things more challenging and exciting than painting and sketching in front of my chosen subjects. Whether I am in the heart of the country, perched on a coastal cliff or in the middle of a busy city taking in all the sights and sounds is a pure joy. Landscapes are my first love but I am at home painting anything from portraits to steam locos.

I travel extensively both at home and abroad doing demonstrations, tutoring workshops and arranging painting holidays.

A selection of Unframed Paintings can now be viewed and purchased online.

Click on Workshops and Demos for exciting ZOOM sessions

— Barry Herniman

I run a series of exciting and varied Workshops to Art Groups and also give Demonstrations to Art Societies around the country. Getting groups to experience the exhilaration of painting outdoors is eminently gratifying. ZOOM Painting Sessions are now available.

Workshops & Demos


Painting Holidays

I arrange and tutor a variety of Painting Holidays and short breaks both at Home and Abroad. From the verdant greenery of an English landscape to the bright and vibrant vistas of the Mediterranean and everything in between!


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My Books are available to purchase online, just click on the icon for full details. I am also a regular contributor to the ARTIST magazine.
